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About Zangmo Alexander and Creative Way Art

Hello, my name is Zangmo Alexander. I’ve been a qualified Artist and Art Teacher for 30 years and a Mindful Creativity Coach for 11 years. I have been training in awareness meditation and mindfulness for 18 years. I love working with clients and students of all ages and abilities and get so much satisfaction from seeing how they grow and develop personally and creatively.

Although I qualified as a teacher, artist and coach, I find working intuitively and compassionately from my own life experience is where the magic happens. In my own case this has been a gradual realisation that creativity (for me, art is my main creative practice) with mindfulness can be a path of self discovery, of uncovering our deepest authenticity, our essence beyond mere ego. This innate essence is naturally and effortlessly loving, compassionate, aware, creative, spacious and wise. From this essence we can learn to express ourselves creatively, benefitting both ourselves and others. 


The academic bit

I hold a Masters Degree in Fine Art from Norwich University College of Arts (with Distinction), a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from Homerton College, University of Cambridge. a Diploma in Coaching (with Distinction), and am a member of both the Association for Coaching (MAC) and the Creativity Coaching Association.


Teacher Training

A fully qualified Art, Design and Photography teacher, I have over 28 years' experience helping individuals free and develop their creativity and use creativity for personal development, self discovery and healing in education, mental health, the community and private settings.


Meditation Background

I have been training in meditation with Tibetan Buddhist spiritual masters since 1993 and was a Buddhist nun for seven years.

I completed a Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Course with the University of Bangor.


Art Practice

As a practising visual artist I use drawing, painting, mixed media, print, photography and video to make work exploring the mind and my inner journey through life.

I also have a wide range of life experiences which comes in useful as a coach, including having run several businesses, been married, parenting, empty nesting and growing up in a dysfunctional family.


How did Creative Way Art begin?

While teaching creativity, art and photography courses in col­leges, schools, the community and in private practice for 20 years, I noticed how apparently able students and clients seemed stuck in negative self talk, resistances and blocks preventing them from just being themselves and expressing themselves creatively, compassionately and authentically.


Inspired to help, I added to my teaching qualification by training as a life coach. From this developed a creativity coaching practice which has complemented my art teaching. Having been a Buddhist nun from 2007-2014, I also began integrating meditation and mindfulness in both my own art practice, art teaching and creativity coaching.


As a unique, personalised approach for helping individuals explore ways to express and discover themselves, Creative Way Art now offers a range of exciting techniques from art teaching, mindfulness meditation, therapeutic art, life coaching, creativity coaching and my own experience as a professional artist. This has been an immensely beneficial and fulfilling journey, for many of my students, clients and myself.


Phone 01379 897393 for a free 20 minute consultation when you can ask any questions and explore whether tuition or coaching would be beneficial for you


If you would like to see more of my art work, take a look at

Curriculum Vitae
Ed­u­ca­tion and Pro­fes­sional Train­ing

  • Mas­ters De­gree Fine Art (Dis­tinc­tion), Nor­wich Uni­ver­sity of Arts

  • BA Hons Fine Art Paint­ing (2.1), commendation in Art History, Uni­ver­sity of Brighton

  • Diploma in Coach­ing (Dis­tinc­tion), UK Coach­ing Part­ner­ship

  • Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Ed­u­ca­tion, (fully qualified teacher status) 
    Uni­ver­sity of Cam­bridge

  • 7307 Fur­ther & Adult Teach­ing Cer­tifi­cate, Uni­ver­sity of Brighton

  • 8 week Mind­ful­ness Based Cog­ni­tive Ther­apy, Uni­ver­sity of Ban­gor

  • Mahamudra Med­i­ta­tion Courses/Retreats in Ti­betan Buddhist Kagyu Tra­di­tion

  • Dharma and Art, six month course, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Massachusetts



  • Confound, St Mary's Works, Norwich

  • Transference, Halesworth Gallery

  • The Strip­per, (Col­lab­o­ra­tion with Pema Clark), Uni­ver­sity of East An­glia

  • Lu­mino­grams: Cam­era-less Pho­tog­ra­phy by Zangmo Alexan­der,
    Be­yond the Im­age Pho­tog­ra­phers Gallery

  • Work in Progress, Meet­ing House, Diss

  • Bud­dha Mind - Cre­ative Mind, Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Taplow Court

  • MFA Show, Fine Art, Norwich University of the Arts

  • Faith and the Art Mul­ti­faith Art Ex­hi­bi­tion, Arts Council England

  • ‘Jour­neys’, Paint­ings and Prints, Harleston

  • ‘Lo­tus in Flower’, Cambridge

  • ‘Lyri­cal Ab­strac­tion’, Michaelhouse Gallery, Cam­bridge

  • John Innes Cen­tre, University of East Anglia, Norwich

  • Hor­sham Arts Cen­tre solo exhibition

  • Norfolk and Norwich Open Studio

  • Suffolk Open Studio

  • Brighton Art Fair

  • Fresh Art Fair, Business Design Centre, Lon­don

  • BA Fine Art Show, Brighton School of Art

  • University of Brighton Art Gallery

  • Brighton Li­brary

  • Brighton Cen­tre

  • East­bourne Li­brary

  • Fox’s Gallery, Lon­don

  • The Ar­t­house, Leeds


In­vited Speaker and Pa­pers

  • 4Thought, Chan­nel 4 Television Broadcast: Can Art Make You Be­lieve? talk

  • Bud­dha Mind - Cre­ative Mind Con­fer­ence:  Art and Meditation Practice talk

  • Bud­dhism and the Arts, commissioned paper for arts organisations on the re­la­tion­ship be­tween Art and Bud­dhism for Arts Coun­cil England



  • Alexander, L., (2009), Women’s wisdom: natural wellness strategies for the menopause years (Findhorn)

  • Collins, Mick, (2014), The unselfish spirit: human evolution in a time of global crisis, Hampshire: Permanent Publications.


Work in Col­lec­tions

  • Ham­mer­smith Hos­pi­tal

  • Pri­vate Col­lec­tions USA and Eu­rope


Awards, Scholarships, Residencies

  • Arts Council England Award

  • Scholarship for Dharma and Art course and two residencies, Barre Centre for Buddhist Studies, Massachusets, USA

  • MOFSA travel grant USA

  • MOFSA Awakening Through Creativity project funding, USA

  • Artist in Residence, Michelham Priory, Sussex

  • Norfolk Visual Art Fund Award

  • DEFRA award for website design

  • South Norfolk Council award for business development


Lec­tur­ing, Tu­tor­ing, Creativity Coach­ing

  • Mindful Creativity Coach, pri­vate prac­tice

  • Meditation Teacher, private practice

  • Art and Photography Tutor, private practice

  • GCSE and A Level Art and Pho­tog­ra­phy Tu­tor, private practice

  • Director of Full Moon Images, publishing art prints

  • Director of Rainbow Arts, offering Art, Craft and Pho­tog­ra­phy for hard to reach mem­bers of the com­mu­nity, the el­derly, men­tal health, so­cial ser­vices staff, women's groups, chil­dren's hol­i­day work­shops

  • Vis­it­ing Lec­turer in Paint­ing, Brighton Uni­ver­sity at East­bourne Col­lege of Art and Technology

  • Cre­ative Stud­ies Lec­turer, East­bourne Col­lege of Art and Technology

  • Brighton Uni­ver­sity Art Cer­tifi­cate Lec­turer

  • Fa­cil­i­ta­tor of women's art groups for self aware­ness, per­sonal de­vel­op­ment, self ex­pres­sion and stress man­age­ment

  • Re­spon­si­bil­ity for en­tire Art and De­sign Tech­nol­ogy Cur­ricu­lum, pri­mary school Nor­folk


Per­sonal De­vel­op­ment | CPD

  • Back to Be­gin­nings, Tara Rokpa

  • Bioen­er­get­ics Ther­apy, Brighton

  • Spir­i­tual Psy­chother­apy, Tun­bridge Wells

  • Per­sonal Jungian Art Ther­apy and Psy­chother­apy

  • Reg­u­lar med­i­ta­tion courses and re­treats 

  • Or­di­na­tion as a nun in the Ti­betan Bud­dhist tra­di­tion 2007-2014

  • Art and meditation short courses

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